Back to Colombian Gamers: $300+ Campaign

Back to Colombian Gamers: $300+ Campaign

1 February 2024
~ 4 min

Sometimes mVAS affiliates stumble upon combos that just work. This time, we get back to Colombia and Colombian gamers who made this case a smashing success.

We’ve already been to the mountainous Colombia with one of our previous case studeis involving gaming offers. Today, we’d like to tell another success story with the same angle.

Quick Overview

One of our partners kindly shared their experience with gaming offers from Golden Goose, using PropellerAds as a traffic source and popunder as an ad format of choice. Although it took quite a while, our partnes has been able to adjust their campaign to turn a $320 profit.

Key Stats of the Campaign:

Affiliate network: Golden Goose Period: 42 days
GEO: Colombia Cost: $1516.08
Vertical: Games Revenue: $1840.24
Category: Download Profit: $324.16
Traffic source: PropellerAds ROI: 21.38%
Advertising format: Popunder CPA: $0.28
Flow: 2Clickflow CR: 0.98

Running the Campaign

Here’s how our partner described this run:

I use PropellerAds to bring people to my affiliate marketing campaigns. It’s been really effective, especially with the popunder format. What I like about it is that it’s not too expensive and it’s easy to get started, unlike the push format. I’ve also had a good experience with the Golden Goose affiliate network. They have offers that attract a lot of customers, and they pay out every day, which helps me keep money flowing into my business.

The settings used at PropellerAds

I always like trying out new offers because if they have potential, you can do really well without a lot of competition. For certain offers, I prefer using popunder with direct linking. It’s worked out nicely for me, especially with mvas offers.

PropellerAds stats:

When I first launched my offer, it did really well. I started getting a lot of people interested right away. But on the second day, there was a big problem with my tracking tool. It was a setback and it hurt how the campaign was doing. But I didn’t give up. I figured out what was wrong and fixed it, so the campaign could get back on track.

GG stats:

You may see some differences in conversion between propellerads and GG, It is because of the tracking problem on day 2.

After that, the campaign started doing really well again. It was making consistent profits every day. I was surprised that I didn’t have to make a lot of changes to keep it going. My main strategy was to avoid using zones that weren’t bringing in customers or were too expensive (high CPA). This way, I could focus on the places that were working best.

Things were going smoothly until about 13 days in when I didn’t make as much money as I spent — that’s called negative ROI. It was disappointing, but I didn’t give up. I kept a close eye on the campaign and tried to make it better. But after 42 days, I finally decided it was time to stop the campaign.

It’s important to celebrate when things go well, but it’s just as important to learn from when things don’t go as planned.

This experience taught me how important it is to have a good tracking system and to always keep an eye on how things are going. It also showed me that it’s a good idea to get traffic from different places. That way, if one place isn’t working well, you have others that might do better.

All in all, my time with PropellerAds and Golden Goose taught me a lot. I’m excited to use what I’ve learned for future projects in the world of affiliate marketing. It’s always changing, but with these lessons, I’m ready to keep learning and improving.


Persistence is a wonderful trait for any affiliate, and a sproven by our partner, it does bring cash in the end. What we can learn from this case study is that you should always keep your eye on the running campaigns and make adjustments on the go.

Until next time!

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