Interview with AD Networks: Meet Amit Amsalem from EZmob

Interview with AD Networks: Meet Amit Amsalem from EZmob

5 December 2022
~ 5 min

We go on with our interview series with advertising networks.

This time, our guest is Amit Amsalem from EZmob, who shared his opinions on affiliate verticals, ad formats, mVAS affiliate marketing, and the future of our industry.

  • First of all, tell us about your position and responsibilities in EZmob. 
  • My name is Amit Amsalem, and I manage the advertiser team at EZmob. My roles include firstly making sure that advertisers are making conversions and earning. It’s in both our interests to ensure our advertisers are happy with our traffic and can grow with us.

Amit Amsalem

Peeking into the future of affiliate marketing and the mVAS vertical

Advertiser team manager at EZmob

  • Advertising expert
  • Search engines specialist
  • Campaign optimization pro
  • Tell us about your company. How long have you been in the market? Could you share some key milestones and achievements of EZmob?
  • EZmob was founded in 2013 as a product-centric company with bespoke advertising formats that we’ve developed, distributed, and served. Over the years, we’ve grown our focus to include the marketing aspect, and since 2018 we’ve been onboarding and scaling direct publisher clients in various markets and verticals.In 2020, we opened our self-serve ad platform and enabled advertisers from any scale and worldwide to create and launch pop, push native, and banner ad campaigns.
  • What ad formats are you working with? What are the most popular? What type of traffic do you offer, and what GEOs are present in your network?
  • The main ad formats we serve are, Popunders, Push notification ads, In-Page push ads, Native ads, Interstitials, and Banners. The most popular ad formats are push notification ads and popunders, which advertisers love due to their high engagement and effectiveness.
  • Which affiliate verticals are the most popular in your network?
  • Mixing different ad formats and many different publishers allows our advertisers to work in different verticals.

    Our publishers are segmented into various verticals, including mainstream and adult sites and apps, dating, finance, Nutra, streaming, downloads, and more.

    Our algorithm optimizes our campaigns to pick and choose from over 500,000 unique domains and apps, giving our advertisers unlimited access and the ability to scale when needed.
  • What are restrictions on working with mVAS offers, if any?
  • There are no restrictions for mVAS offers.
  • You’ve been in the industry for a long time. Can you tell us your thoughts on its future? In your opinion, which verticals will boom in the nearest future, and which ones are going to die soon? Which advertising formats will grow big, and which, on the contrary, will become a thing of the past?
  • Major technological boundaries have not been broken regarding the browser and how it engages with advertising in recent years. That’s why popunders are still a thing and will continue to be a major player in media buyers’ campaigns, even if they’re disruptive and annoying.The primary traffic engines (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) will continue to dominate, perhaps with some market share grabbed by TikTok. Nothing beats relevancy and search, which you don’t get with popunders and push notification ads. Still, each click you buy from search engines is at least $1 CPC, compared with a thousand clicks from pop ad networks such as EZmob, which only cost $0.20. It will continue to be a trade-off between cost-effective volume and relevancy.
  • What are your thoughts on the mVAS as an affiliate vertical? Is it profitable for affiliates? 
  • We’ve seen thousands of mVAS campaigns over the years, and what I like most about these types of offers is that if the optimization process is correct, then it’s usually very easy to turn a profit. mVAS offers enjoy a reliable processing solution and an easy conversion path, all it takes is quality traffic and learning how to affect or optimize your campaigns and you’ve already started. 
  • What do you feel about fraud and misleading information in the affiliate field?
  • Fraud is bad for everyone except the one who commits it. As an ad network, we deal with various fraudulent attempts, whether rogue publishers or rogue advertisers. We’ve solved half of the problem with relevant technologies; the other half, our experience and intuition guide the way.
  • How do you control the quality of the traffic brought to you by publishers and affiliates?
  • We use a variety of traffic monitoring and filtering technologies to allow us to spot and block a considerable amount of fraudulent traffic. Our first interest is seeing advertisers scale their budget and increase their conversion rate; that cannot happen with bad-quality traffic; therefore, fighting fraud is our priority.

    The primary traffic engines (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) will continue to dominate, perhaps with some market share grabbed by TikTok.

  • Could you give some sort of advice to a beginner affiliate marketer? Something that can help them start in your network?
  • We’ve written decent articles giving newbie affiliate marketers tips on what to watch out for before launching their first campaigns; read them here.I would say that before you set your campaign live, there should be 3 things you should do:
  1. Get to know the optimization capabilities of the ad server you buy from and what type of blacklists you can perform on your campaigns, 
  2. Get to know your account manager, and ask for his or her advice before you launch your campaign; our managers have seen thousands of campaigns go live and will always have some feedback for anything you throw at them. 
  3. Don’t optimize too aggressively; instead of blocking out publishers, try to include them in a different campaign with a lower bid so you can test them out on cheaper traffic and ‘graduate’ them to a higher bid if they meet your KPIs.
  • How about a bonus for our blog readers? Say, a promo code!
  • But of course, Golden Goose users will receive an additional $50 on first deposits over $150. Use promo code GG50 when you make your first deposit.

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