Affiliate marketing from Beginner to Advanced

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Ad formats

Let’s talk about ads. Traditional ads have evolved during the last couple of decades and we have gone from having the good old banners around content to creating a plethora of ad formats that work differently in every device and for every type of website.

An ad format is just the way your marketing campaign is shown to the users navigating the web. Some of the main ad formats you can see around in 2020 and beyond are:

  • Banners
  • Native ads (similar to banners, but they blend as related posts or recommended content)
  • PopUnders
  • Web Push notifications
  • Domain redirect traffic
  • Direct text links
  • Search ads
  • Video ads
  • Interstitial Ads

Social networks have their own, unique ad formats according to their user interface and content, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Pinterest, but the rest of the ads shown on websites normally fall in some of the categories mentioned above.

We will focus on pop-under ads and push notifications in this tutorial, as those two formats are some of the most recommended ways to get started in affiliate marketing. You’ll see why in the next section.